Our Quality
My Doctor, LLC is committed to providing the highest level of service and health care quality. We have reinvented the way we take care of you to get you the right care at the right time – using the best tools available today to improve the way we care for you.
We are very proud to say our practice has been recognized for excellence in the care of our patients!
Our commitment to our community is to provide the best care in the right place at the right time - and we will continue to provide compassionate, caring health care to individuals.
Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q)
We have participated with over 475 local physicians around Greater Cincinnati sine 2009 in the pilot program, and ongoing reporting of quality data for Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q), which was made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to the Health Improvement Collaborative of Cincinnati. This grant was to empower Doctors to perform, measure and report quality initiatives in a standardized fashion based on clinical data THEMSELVES - rather than a governmental agency or insurance plan. Cincinnati is one of 17 regions around the country to receive and collect this data.
The first project measured is Diabetes. We were proud to report that our results are among the best in the nation - and significantly higher than the Cincinnati average! Since 2009 we have been THE BEST PERFORMER in all areas of reported care:
Cardiovascular Health
Colon Cancer Screening
We will continue to use our resources and teamwork to perform even better! You can view the results on the Your Health Matters website!
My Doctor is one of only a very few practices in the country to be recognized for outstanding performance in FOUR National Council of Quality Assurance (NCQA) in Health Care Programs:
Diabetes Physician Recognition Program
Heart/Stroke Recognition Program
Patient Centered Medical Home - Physician Practice Connections Program
Back Pain Recognition Program
Upon the announcement of the Physician Practice Connections Program recognition, the fourth recognition that My Doctor earned, NCQA President Margaret O’Kane remarked:
“We identify those doctors who make the most out of clinical information they have on hand to make better decisions and provide better follow-up. Patients notice and appreciate the improvements in care. Dr. Magenheim and Smith are to be commended for this achievement in earning Recognition.”
Our commitment to quality is our commitment to our patients – one at a time – to deliver to them a plan of action based on “best practices” in the health care world. For example – we get results of blood tests for cholesterol and diabetes management while patients are having their appointment with the doctor – in real time, not days later - adjustments can be made while the doctor is with our patients, or positive feedback can be given for a job well done when goals are met! Setting goals and helping our patients understand their health care needs is a key to our program.
Our model allows us also to manage patients through the health care system – from scheduling tests, to discussing results with your specialist; we are able to focus on caring for you, and connecting the system around you, the patient.
“We have not only been able to help deliver individualized wellness, prevention and health care, but continue to deliver ‘health caring’ to each patient as if they are part of our family” stated Dr Magenheim.
We will continue to work on improving our care, and participation in quality that improves the care of our patients, as well as the quality of their lives.
Listed below are the quality programs we participate in - please feel free to contact us if you have specific questions.
Diabetes Physician Recognition Program
To prevent the devastating complications of diabetes, NCQA encourages the provision of comprehensive, quality health care to people with diabetes.
To support this goal, the Diabetes Physician Recognition Program, cosponsored by the American Diabetes Association, assesses physicians on their performance on measures of care for adult measures.
Heart/Stroke Recognition Program
More than 60 million Americans have cardiovascular disease or have suffered a stroke, and the two conditions combined are the leading cause of death in the United States. Many of these Americans do not receive services demonstrated to be effective in preventing deterioration in health from these conditions.
To encourage improvement in care, The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) and NCQA created a program to recognize the quality of care provided by physicians for persons who have cardiovascular disease or who have had a stroke.
Physician Practice Connections Program - Patient Centered Medical Home
NCQA's evaluation program, Physician Practice Connections - Patient Centered Medical Home, recognizes practices that use information systematically to enhance the quality of patient care. Physicians who use such systematic processes are better able to:
Monitor their patients' medical histories
Work with patients over time, not just during office visits
Follow up with patients and with other providers
Manage populations, not just individuals, using evidence-based care
Assist patients to manage their own health better
Avoid medical errors
Meeting PPC-PPMC standards means that practices have connections—to patients, to information, to other practitioners and to evidence. The connections in PPC-PCMH take several forms, and NCQA evaluates standards that cover:
Enabling patients to communicate with and access the practice easily
Using systems to track patients, their treatments and conditions
Managing patients’ care proactively over time
Supporting patients’ self-management of their health
Using electronic prescribing tools
Tracking and following up lab and imaging tests
Tracking and following up referrals
Back Pain Recognition Program (BPRP)
Recognizing Physicians for Excellence in Back Pain Care - The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) has developed the Back Pain Recognition Program (BPRP) to recognize physicians who deliver superior care to the approximately 30 million Americans who suffer from low back pain.
Achieving BPRP Recognition identifies high-quality physicians and demonstrates the provider is on the leading edge of quality. NCQA developed BPRP requirements based on widely accepted medical evidence, with significant input from physician specialists and health plan and employer representatives. BPRP Recognized Physicians provide patients with the care that best meets their needs, restores health and mobility and avoids unnecessary treatment and tests.
Bridges to Excellence programs recognize clinicians who deliver superior patient care. These programs measure the quality of care delivered in our practice. BTE places a special emphasis on managing patients with chronic conditions, who are most at risk of incurring potentially avoidable complications. The BTE Recognitions cover all major chronic conditions, plus office systems – and a real Medical Home measurement scheme to promote comprehensive care delivery and strong relationships between patients and their care team.